Martial Arts classes normally make you think of self-defense, being strong, fit, and safe.
The truth is so much more than just that!!!
Our team loves to partner with parents just like you. Together, we work to teach each kid differently, as all kids have different ways of learning. And not to mention it is a ton of fun!!
We never want our kids to have to use these skills in modern life, but every good parent wants their child to be safe.
That is why our coaches are very serious about teaching your kids the skills needed for self-protection in any circumstance, from the neighborhood bully to the stranger on the street and so much more.
But knowing how to defend oneself is only half the battle. Our classes teach your child the respect and self-discipline needed to diffuse a situation without violence whenever possible - as well as the knowledge to know when force is the only way to safety.
The world really knows how to discourage us these days. It seems everywhere we turn kids, and adults alike, are hit with discouragement and depressing news from every angle. We are dedicated to encouraging and building up every single athlete and family.
To edify is to instruct or improve someone morally or intellectually. It is our mission to lead every athlete to become the best version of themselves. We do this no only through our training in Martial Arts, but also through our award winning Character Development Program.
We strive to inspire our athletes and the world around us. We do this through leading by example and working to practice what we teach. We will inspire athletes to dream big, to chase their hopes and goals, to be successful leaders at home, at school, at work or in the community.
821 Highway 12W, Suite C, Starkville, MS 39759
Phone: (662) 263-9803 (Text or Call)
2 Doors Down From China Garden and Next Door To Happy Nails
18809 MS Hwy 82E, Mathiston, MS 39752
Phone: (662) 263-9803 (Text or Call)
Across the Highway from Obsession Cheer and the Coffee Lair
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